The Best Programming Languages for Cybersecurity


Python has been a dominating language in cyber security for numerous years. Because it’s a server-side scripting language, the final script doesn’t need to be compiled by programmers. It’s a general-purpose phrase that’s employed in a lot of cyber security situations, if not all of them. Python allows you to automate processes and do malware analysis. Furthermore, a large third-party library of scripts is readily available, implying that assistance is just a click away. Some of the features that make it popular are code readability, straightforward and simple syntax, and a large variety of libraries. Python is a crucial programming language for cyber security specialists since it can be used to identify malware, do penetration testing, scan for dangers, and analyse them. Being a SOC support expert makes a lot of sense if you know Python. To safeguard web pages from security risks, you’ll need to create tools and scripts in this role. You can also use data, logs, and artefacts to investigate the source of the problems. As a side aside, the graph above depicts the relative popularity of a language based on the number of GitHub pulls that language receives each year. This and the following charts are based on data from GitHut 2.0, which was generated by littleark.


Most malware is designed to enter target systems undetected, which makes Golang ideal for this. A single source code can be written in Golang for all major operating systems. The virus written in GoLang is quite huge. Because big files cannot be analysed by most antivirus software, this allows them to enter systems undetected. This language also comes with a large set of libraries that make creating malware a breeze. For security pros, Go has gained a lot of traction. Because of its application in server and cloud services, flexibility and ease of use, and data analysis capabilities, it’s an excellent choice for cyber programmers.


JavaScript is the most widely used programming language, with 95 percent of all websites using it. It’s one of the most powerful programming languages for cyber security. If you want to grab cookies, abuse event handlers, and perform cross-site scripting, JavaScript is the way to go. JavaScript libraries include NodeJS, ReactJS, and jQuery. This also indicates that, because to the language’s broad use, applications and systems that use it are prime targets. JavaScript allows programmers to utilise any code while consumers are on a website, enhancing the usefulness of that site. On the other hand, it could provide dangerous functionality that the visitor is unaware of. Malicious coding could be used to start a programme if the website is hacked. If you know JavaScript, you can make any website secure enough to prevent or even eliminate Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) assaults. Front-end developers, full-stack developers, back-end developers, and others use JavaScript. It is both the most adaptable and the most widely spoken language on the planet.


Because cyber security experts can dismantle malware to investigate its design, propagation, and repercussions using C language in reverse engineering, it makes it easier to develop antivirus solutions. For developers who QA code integrity, the C programming language is also necessary. Before launching an attack, cyber adversaries may utilise the language to detect exploitable holes in the network. Because it is a low-level programming language with basic syntax, it can be learned in a few months. When writing a programme, programmers go above and above to ensure that it is bug-free. Hackers, on the other hand, can utilise it to uncover flaws. Lint is a code analysis tool for programmes written in the C programming language. Since its inception, other variations have arisen. Lint can be used by both cyber security specialists and hackers to uncover programming faults and defects that compromise computer network security.


C++ is based on the C programming language, however it has a few differences. C++, unlike C, supports objects and classes. C++ is a quicker and more efficient programming language than C. Despite its utility, it is used by less than 0.1 percent of all websites. A C++ developer creates desktop and mobile apps, whereas coding experts find and fix problems and vulnerabilities. Cyber security experts benefit from studying C++ since it allows them to quickly identify vulnerabilities and security flaws. Cyber professionals may quickly identify security issues in code using a scanning tool like Flawfinder, which searches C++. Using an integrated database that covers the language function’s probable hazards, these tools describe current vulnerabilities, their severity, and their effects on an application.


The SQL (Structured Query Language) programming language is a domain-specific language. It’s a common tool for parsing data in huge databases. SQL is the most used database management programming language as businesses become more data-driven. Most websites, such as Relational Database Administration System, employ SQL for data management (RDBS). It works with a variety of database systems. As a result, it is widely regarded as the most user-friendly language for database management. SQL queries are written by database administrators, programmers, and end users to retrieve, insert, modify, and delete data from database tables. This language is frequently used by attackers to steal confidential information, compromise data repositories, and carry out a variety of web-based attacks. If you wish to understand the attacker’s activities and avoid SQL injection and other database-related assaults, you’ll need at least a rudimentary understanding of SQL.


Any low-level language that aids in the analysis and understanding of malware is known as an assembly language. Understanding assembly is simple, especially if you are already familiar with a high-level programming language. Slammer, a trojan based on assembly, caused havoc and hindered web traffic in 2003 by inflicting service neglect on a large number of webmasters. The malware took advantage of a protection overflow flaw in Microsoft’s SQL server. Although the issue did not occur suddenly — several months before a patch was provided – several businesses failed to apply it, allowing the flaw to spread. Assembly is an important programming language because it can be used by cyber security specialists to decipher malware and understand how it works. Cyber security workers are always defending against conventional and modern malware, therefore it’s critical to understand how malware works.


PowerShell is a more versatile command-line interface that combines the advantages of the traditional Command Prompt (CMD) with a powerful scripting environment that may be used to gain access to a machine’s inner core, including access to Windows APIs. PowerShell is a useful tool for administrators to automate tedious processes, but its capabilities have unfortunately been exploited by malevolent actors. Hackers can now use PowerShell to obtain sensitive domain information and load malicious executables instead of relying on traditional malware (also known as fileless malware). Many attackers favour PowerShell since it is installed by default on all PCs from Windows 7 to Windows Server 2019.


Ruby is a high-level programming language established and developed in Japan by Yukihiro Matsumoto. It has since grown in popularity to become one of the most widely used programming languages on the planet. The syntax of Ruby is nearly identical to that of Perl and Python. It was written in the C programming language. It is popular among developers because of its ease of use and natural capacity to manage large code projects. Airbnb, Hulu, Kickstarter, and Github are just a few of the sites that employ Ruby. Ruby is a programming language that manages a lot of a machine’s complex information, making it easier to write programmes and using less code.


Many important operating systems, such as Solaris, Linux, macOS, and Microsoft Windows, were designed using Java as one of the earliest languages. It is widely used in various industries because it powers both new and legacy web servers. The Java programming language has numerous applications in the field of information security. For example, cyber adversaries utilise it to reverse-engineer proprietary software programmes in order to find and exploit security flaws. Penetration testers frequently use Java to organise the high-scaling servers that they utilise to deliver payloads. Pen testing is an important part of a cyber security specialist’s job, and knowing Java makes it easier. Java programming is used by experienced ethical hackers to construct and develop sophisticated, ethical programmes. Java is popular among cyber specialists because it is more dynamic than languages like C++. Ethical hackers can use Java to construct vulnerability testing applications that can run on a variety of systems.


PHP is a computer language that is used to create webpages on the server side. PHP is the most powerful server-side language available, with 80 percent of the top 10 million domains using it. For this reason alone, it is self-evident that knowing PHP will assist you in defending against attackers. RIPS is a common tool for automated security analysis in PHP applications. RIPS investigates data flow from input parameters to important operations in an application. If you’re a PHP developer dealing with security flaws, RIPS could be useful. You can write server-side web application logic as a PHP security developer. PHP can be used to manage back-end resources and data sharing between servers and their customers. You can also utilise your PHP skills to find and fix any flaws in your code. It’s also worth noting that PHP is a server-side language that works with HTML and aids the proper functioning of websites. Web designers use PHP to connect databases to web pages to make website upgrades easier.

Shell scripting

Shell scripting combines numerous commands that you may already be familiar with through your operating system’s terminal sessions to allow developers to create automated scripts for a variety of tasks. Do you need to set up accounts rapidly and provide enough access? Are you looking for a quick way to automate a system configuration security lockdown? Shell scripting is useful in this situation. If you’re using Linux or macOS, you’ll want to learn certain Linux scripting languages like Bash. Immerse yourself in PowerShell if you’re a Windows expert.

What’s the First Cyber Security Language I Should Learn?

Python is a good place to start. The syntax is simple, and there are numerous libraries available to make your coding life easier. Python is used in cyber security to do several tasks such as malware scanning and analysis. Python is also a good starting point for more advanced programming languages. It has a high level of web readability and is utilised by some of the world’s most well-known digital companies, including as Google, Reddit, and NASA. After you’ve mastered Python, you can progress to higher-level programming languages.