This massive task has been assigned to an “Internet Security Information Leadership Group,” according to a report published by the Canadian military magazine Kanwa Asian Defence. But neither the Chinese military nor any other Chinese government media outlet is officially released. Instead, they would prefer to go with a custom operating system with “Security through obscurity,” a security engineering approach on the secrecy of design or implementation as the primary goal of providing security for a system or system component. China believes that developing a custom operating system will strongly prevent foreign threats, particularly hacking U.S. attempts. Massive leaks during the decade, like WikiLeaks Vault 7, Edward Snowden leaks, and Shadow broker leaks from NSA cyber weapons, have revealed U.S. capacity transparently. And they provide almost anything they can hack when they are using Windows, Mac and Linux-based devices. The group has no confidence in the multi-user multi-run system “UNIX,” which uses the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) servers, Kanwa reported. Kanwa reported. According to THE EPOCH TIMES, which initially reported this operation, “The group also believes that 70 percent of China’s industrial control system today has the German developed programmable logic controller (PLC) as a huge danger to China’s national security. China does not believe itself to be a’ superpower network’ but merely a’ giant network’ The Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) Central Committee will report directly to the Internet information leadership group assigned to develop an operating system. Report said. China already has its own Linux-based operating system called Kylin developed by academics at the National Defense Technology University using the Chinese military and other government organizations.